zaterdag 8 juni 2013


"The Indian Diaspora - Past, Present, and Future" by Ashok Rao

Release Date: 
When I was asked to write this article on the topic “The Indian Diaspora – Past, Present and Future”, I wondered what could I write, that you the reader, already did not already know. After all the Indian Diaspora particularly in the US, is well educated, well read and well informed. But I channeled Sir Richard Branson and his motto, and decided, “SCREW IT! Let’s do it”, and dived into researching this fascinating phenomenon.

Our diaspora’s Past and Present have been thoroughly documented and analyzed; and our Future? Well our Future is an area where we have so many prognosticators and so many expert opinions. It’s like going to the movies; everyone has an opinion, and everyone is a critic. Once I started researching the history of our diaspora, I realized that there was a lot I did not know, and I would think it is probably the same for most of you readers. Our view of our diaspora very much depends on one’s own personal perspective, one’s socio economic status, and one’s host country – in other words, one’s own somewhat blinkered view of our diaspora.

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